Versions Compared


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  • Time Period for Calculations: All calculations are from the initial investment made in the security/bond till date.
  • Currency of Calculation: Unless otherwise specified all calculations are in USD. All investments in non-USD currencies are converted into USD at the prevailing spot rate (i.e. IRR will take Fx movement into account for non-USD investments).
  • Y-Axis: Annualized Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for that particular investment for the time period mentioned above.
  • X-Axis: Bond Ratings of that particular investment. (AAA being the safest / best rating while DD+ being the least safe).
  • Size of each Bubble: Proportional to the amount invested. This calculation is simply the sum of all Purchase and Transfer In tickets (and ignores Sale and Transfer Out tickets). Therefore for securities where there is a lot of in and out trading (i.e a lot of Purchase tickets) this number will likely be a little inflated. 
  • Position Closed selector: tells you whether this particular dashboard looks at open positions, closed positions or both.

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