Each custodian bank is assigned a CustodianCode in Canopy. Please use the correct CustodianCode. You may check this in User Admin > Custodians.
Search for the Code by typing in the name of the custodian in Description column, and hit Enter.
In this our example, let's say you own four portfolio accounts:
Let us create one Account Code for each of the portfolio.
Ensure you're logged in to Engine.
1. From the menu, go to User Admin > Accounts
2. Click on
3. In the pop up window, first, select the relevant Parent Account Code you wish to create this Child account for.
When Parent Account Code is chosen, the Account code is automatically populated.
4. Selecting the correct Custodian Code is easy. Straight away type in the bank account name to search.
5. Once you have selected the relevant Custodian Code, it automatically populates in Account Code.
6. There! A Child account has been created.
You will now see your newly created Child account in the Accounts View.
What is the Custodian Code for my bank?
You may check this in User Admin > Custodians.
Search for the Code by typing in the name of the custodian in Description column, and hit Enter to show results.