Calculation Methodology

Calculation Methodology

This document explains methodology of calculation for the Canopy website.

Portfolio > Allocation

This screen shows the allocation of assets in the portfolio.

This is based on the latest available price for the chosen date. The standard date setting is Today.

All values are converted to base currency of the user.

All percentages in the donut charts are relative to the Total Assets, not the Net Worth, as Liabilities are excluded.

Portfolio > Performance > Profit / Loss

This chart shows the historical performance of two data points: The total amount invested and profit.

Total Amount Invested

This is intended to be a measure of risk and only shows the 'risky assets', i.e. assets where the price is expected to move (this includes all traded securities and all non financial assets).

All risky assets are counted at the market value as of the relevant date. The intention of this graph is to show whether risky assets were being added or reduced over the time period in question. This measure is somewhat crude because it does not attempt to give a 'risk weight' to each asset (e.g. US Treasuries and a High Yield Junk Bond will get a weight equal to their market value in this graph)

 Total Amount Invested ignores assets which are not considered 'risky' i.e. all cash and all deposits. It also ignores all loans.


is the absolute gain (or loss) in the account at current market values. This includes realized as well as unrealized items.

Profit = Market Value - Net Fund Flow


Market Value = sum of all assets at latest price converted at latest FX rate into Base Currency

Net Fund Flow= sum of all Money Inflows or Outflows (or when security transfer, the monetary equivalent) converted to Base Currency at the timing of such flow.

Portfolio > Allocation History

Each stacked item represents the market value of each category at the latest price and converted at the latest FX rate into Base Currency.

The Money Flow line here represents the same as Net Fund Flow mentioned earlier.

When all stacks are selected they will total up to the Net Worth of the Account.

All stacks less the Money Flow line are equal to the Profit line in the earlier page.

Portfolio > Performance

The Performance page shows two charts.

The first chart relates to the relative performance of the portfolio. 
This is based on the Net Asset Value (NAV) which is generated for each child account and expresses the performance of the account on a base of 100.

The second chart represents the absolute performance expressed in base currency.

Important Note:  Canopy captures the accurate purchase price for any security transactions - also for Security transfers or Opening entries for accounts.
Especially for long-held positions there almost always be a jump in performance. 

Canopy behaves in the following ways with regard to security transfers that are at the historical purchase price and therefore off-market for the booking day:

1) Security specific returns:
This captures the original traded price that was used as an input. 
Here we will show the full profit of the position, based on the original cost of acquisition.
This provides an overview of the overall profitability of the position and is accessible on the security page and the holdings page.

2) Time-weighted return:
Since this is a very period specific number, it will not be impacted by external transfers. 
Because the profit was generated out of period it should not be attributed here and would be misleading.
Canopy, therefore, removes the first-day profit of all transfer trades.
This is applicable to the top chart on the Performance page

3) Absolute return:
This number is a logically a little bit sandwiched between (1) and (2). 
On one hand, it can be used for period specific attribution but the overall return of the portfolio is also relevant.
We have decided that this metric is closer to (1) than it is to (2). Meaning, Canopy will show the overall absolute cash number performance of their portfolio and holdings.
For this reason, the absolute return will be impacted by transfers - this may show spikes in the absolute performance chart which are not present in the (relative) time weighted performance chart.
This is applicable to the bottom chart on the Performance page

Net Asset Value

NAV0 = 100

NAVt =NAVt-1 * (1 + Net Worth Percent changet)

Net Worth Percent changet = (absolute change in Net Wortht - Net Fund Flowt - Day 1 PnLt) / Net Wortht-1

Net Wortht = market value of all assets and liabilities at latest price on t, converted to Base Currency on t

Net Wortht-1 = market value of all assets and liabilities at latest price on t-1, converted to Base Currency on t-1

absolute change in Net Wortht = Net Wortht - Net Wortht-1

Net Fund Flow = Sum of all money inflow, money outflow or security transfer free of payment in/out on t, converted to Base Currency on t
Security transfers free of payment will be marked at prevailing market price on the price of the transfer if no price has been supplied at the transaction level. If a price has been provided, such price will be used.

Day 1 PnLt = The profit from TransferFOP In / Out transactions in case a specific price is used that is not equal to the closing market price of the security on that day.
This allows us to a) include an off-market price for security transfers and carry over the historical purchase prices for securities and at the same time b) keep the investment performance for an account immune from profit that comes from external transfers.

Portfolio > Holdings

Base Value 

Base Value is related to the term Base Currency, which is used for accounting purposes to refer to the currency in which an investor maintains his accounting book. Base Value is the value of your holdings in your base currency. 

Cumulative Change in Value

The change in the market value of the position compared to the settlement amount paid for it, excluding brokerage fees. 

In most cases this is

Cumulative Change in Value for all securities except bonds = Quantity x (current_price - average_purchase_price)

In the case of bonds where we consider accrued interest, the formula becomes

Cumulative Change in Value for bonds = Quantity x (current_dirty_price - average_purchase_dirty_price)

All coupon flows are excluded. This only covers the current positions relative to its average purchase price.

Security Screen

Profit Till Now

The total life to date realized and unrealized profits or loss on this position.

Actual settled amounts are used for purchase and sale transactions.

Coupons and dividends are included on the basis of actual entry in the relevant bank account (i.e. in case there was a tax deduction and a smaller amount was paid into the account, we only consider that smaller amount which was actually credited)

Current market value includes accrued interest for bonds, i.e. dirty price is used.

All items are added up in contract currency (i.e. currency of the money flow) and converted to base currency at the current fx rate.

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