Account Structure (Hierarchy)

Account Structure (Hierarchy)

If you're new to Canopy, it will be helpful to understand the account structures. 

AccountsAccounts Information

Introduction to Accounts Video

Overview of account structures (Parent Account, Child Account, Currency Account, and Partner Admin Account) 

Basic Account Structure

Any individual account consists of 3 primary building blocks:

  1. Parent account
  2. Child account
  3. Currency account 

Additional Access Accounts

Additional access for Parent accounts can be created:

1. Partner Accounts
2. Relationship Manager Accounts
3. Alias Accounts.

Partner Account

Partner Accounts are set up for Financial Advisory firms.

Partner Admin accounts are set up for employees of the FA firm. A Partner Admin will have access to handle all data upload and maintenance of the accounts, or simply have access to view relevant clients' dashboards.

Create User Account 

You are now ready to Create a New User Account