4. Run Calculations
The Net Asset Value (NAV) is the % change in net worth, calculated on a daily basis. The NAV on the first day of a period is always 100, the next day it is the comparison of the overall net worth against the previous day's. This goes into performance calculation which is computed as follows:
Consolidated Performance (for each day, for selected accounts)
First value of consolidated_performance is calculated based on the values of nav and net worth of child accounts on the first traded_on date.
We get a weighted average of nav_today by net_worth to get the first value
1) First NAV = 100
2) Next (and all subsequent) NAV = prev_weighted_nav + (weighted_change_in_nav by networth * ABS(prev_weighted_nav))
- where weighted_change_in_nav by networth= Sum(nav_histories.ABS{networtht-1} * Change in NAV) / Sum(nav_histories.ABS{networtht-1})
-- where Change in NAV = NAVt - NAVt-1 / ABS(NAVt-1)
A NAV run should be performed after you :
- upload transactions
- edit existing transactions
- delete a transaction
- amend/add/remove any prices for securities in your portfolio
The period selection should start on or before the earliest affected transaction and end on today's date.
NAV Calculation
In Engine you can calculate the NAV for your account using the NAV calculation function as follows :
Step | Process | Screen Shot |
1. | Once the Account Code is selected, the NAV period has to be determined. Typically, the period selection should start on or before the earliest affected transaction (From date) and end on today's date (End date). Running NAV for the selected period of time will create a set of historical data points (NAV, P&L) that will be stored on the server for further reference and performance comparison over time. Alternatively, running NAV for the full period (Full Period Processing), on the other hand, will delete and recalculate all existing portfolio data again. This should only be done when there is a need for the system to recalculate all portfolio data due to major changes or amendments to data, OR when updating NAV for a New User. (Note: Full Period Processing may take a very long time to run) |
NAV History
Under NAV History you can access all the NAV data for one or more accounts or child accounts based on a selected period (Traded On / Traded To) as follows :
Step | Process | Screen Shot |
1. | Select the Child Account and the period for which you would like to calculate NAV.Leaving the fields blank will result in Engine showing you the whole NAV history for the selected account. | |
2. | Engine not only gives you historical NAV data but you can select from a vast amount of filters what data you want to be shown. The data can be exported to Excel. For that, simply push the Export Page or Export All button. |
Detailed information and tutorial video's on related topics are available as per the table below :
S.No | Topic | Reference |
1. | NAV/Performance Calculations | Net Asset Value (NAV) (Tutorial Video) |
2. | NAV and Consitency Checks | NAV and 5. Auto Checks Consitency Checks (Tutorial Video) |
3. | NAV Calculation Methodology | NAV Aggregation - Performance Calculation.xlsx |