

Column NameData TypeDescription
strategy_nametextname of the strategy .. (in auto generated strategy definitions,  the ticker is appended to the end of the name for single security strategies to distinguish amongst multiple bonds issued by the same issuer)
strategy_typetextuser defined field intended to group similar strategies into one e.g. 'by_user_asset_class' or 'by_custodian' or 'by_security_for_Equities' etc.
usernametextthis is the username (e.g. parent or rm) to whom the strategy belongs
user_typetexte.g. parent, rm

defines how the transactions inside this strategy will be selected. Further information is here

Introduction to Strategies (and how to create them)

latest_record_datedatethis stores the latest date to which this strategy has been calculated (i.e. date to which results are available in table strategy_records)
success_achievedbooleanwhether strategy calculation was successful or not (null if never run, false if there was an error, true if all went well)
run_resultsjsonbmeta data of the strategy calculation e.g. how many tickets etc
system_generated_strategybooleantrue if the strategy definition was generated automatically by Canopy

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