Column | Data Type | Description |
id | integer (unique) | |
ticketref | text | Ticket Reference of the transaction |
traded_on | date | Trade Date of the transaction |
settled_on | date | The date on which the transaction was settled or settlement date |
ticker | text | |
quantity | numeric | |
trade_price | numeric | |
latest_price | null | deprecated |
latest_fx | null | deprecated |
latest_mtm_ccy | null | deprecated |
latest_mtm_usd | null | deprecated |
latest_mtm_base_ccy | null | deprecated |
brokerage_ccy | null | deprecated |
brokerage_usd | null | deprecated |
brokerage_base_ccy | null | deprecated |
other_levies_ccy | null | deprecated |
other_levies_usd | null | deprecated |
other_levies_base_ccy | null | deprecated |
trade_date_dirty_px | traded dirty price for bonds, if security is not a bond, settlement amount/qty (if qty is not 0), else 0 | |
latest_dirty_px | null | deprecated |
per_ticket_fee_ccy | null | deprecated |
per_ticket_fee_usd | null | deprecated |
per_ticket_fee_base_ccy | null | deprecated |
prev_day_mtm_usd | null | deprecated |
prev_month_mtm_usd | null | deprecated |
prev_month_mtm_base_ccy | null | deprecated |
prev_year_mtm_usd | null | deprecated |
latest_notional_usd | null | deprecated |
latest_notional_base_ccy | null | deprecated |
exec_brok_ref | null | deprecated |
custodian_ref | null | deprecated |
bloomberg_ref | null | deprecated |
settlement_amt_ccy | numeric | settlement amount in contract currency |
trade_type | text | type of trade |
gross_amt_ccy | numeric | traded price * quantity |
scheduled_settle_date | null | deprecated |
settle_status | null | deprecated |
input_by | text | form of input |
mtm_status | null | deprecated |
latest_bond_dirty_price | null | deprecated |
order_source | null | deprecated |
voice_confirm | null | deprecated |
mesitis_entity | null | deprecated |
comments | null | deprecated |
created_at | date | ticket created at |
updated_at | date | ticket updated at |
contract_id | numeric | |
contract_type | text | one of the 7 contract types (non mtm, equity, bond, fund, insurance, real estate, others) |
counterparty_id | numeric | The relevant counterparty id for the price source. It usually represents the bank where a price is obtained from. |
advisor_id | null | deprecated |
user_id | numeric | account id |
user_account_id | numeric | ccy account id |
user_account_id_2 | null | deprecated |
strategy_tag_id | numeric | based on transaction type and asset class |
latest_basefx | null | deprecated |
settlement_amt_ccy_2 | null | deprecated |
bank_narration | text | narration of transaction |
trade_status | null | deprecated |
mesitis_handling_fee | null | deprecated |
transaction_id | null | deprecated |
import_file_uuid | uuid | |
mtm_marker | null | deprecated |
base_ccy | null | deprecated |
closed_out_date | null | deprecated |
transaction_type_id | numeric | transaction type id |
security_id | numeric | security id |
related_security_id | numeric | for transaction types (Distribution, Contribution, Interest, Loan Cost) for cash payments |
running_total | numeric | outstanding balance after transactions are taken into account |
outstanding_quantity | numeric | balance of securities for this ticker in this currency account |
closed_quantity | numeric | The quantity which is considered a closed position. This is used for realized pnl purposes. A position can only be closed when it was opened before. Both negative or positive positions can be closed. |
avg_price | numeric | This is the average price for the current open position. This is used for realized and unrealized pnl calculation purposes. |
realized_pnl | numeric | Used in context of closed positions |
day_one_pnl | numeric | The profit on a transaction on the day that it was booked. This is relevant for Transfer of open position because we often capture the original price of a transaction even though it is now off-market. This allows the user to capture the total profitability of a trade - this can create jumps in profit calculation. |
normalized_transaction_id | null | not in use |
bank_reference_id | null | not in use |
user_updated_at | date | updated date |
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