Fund Performance (IRR) by Strategy Dashboard - Detailed

Fund Performance (IRR) by Strategy Dashboard - Detailed


This graph shows the Fund performance (IRR) by different strategies classified and incorporated by Bloomberg. Please note that Bloomberg classifies the funds you have invested in by such strategies.

The definitions of each strategy is below-mentioned. Canopy has obtained the data from Bloomberg. As of till date, we are not showing the Fund strategy type on Canopy for each fund.

Generic points to note are;

  • Currency of Calculation: Unless otherwise specified all calculations are in USD. All investments in non USD currencies are converted into USD at prevailing spot rate (i.e. IRR will take Fx movement into account for non USD investments)

Peer comparison Graph (left)

  • This graph shows the Average Market XIRR for every Fund Strategy based on all the clients and their investments in our database. 
  • X-Axis: Annualized Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for that particular investment for the time period mentioned above.
  • Y-Axis: Different types of Fund Strategies by Bloomberg
  • Orange Line: the line represents the average IRR performance of all the funds. 

Your Portfolio Graph (right)

  • This graph shows the Average Market XIRR for every Fund Strategy based on your portfolio
  • X-Axis: Annualized Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for that particular investment for the time period mentioned above.
  • Y-Axis: Different types of Fund Strategies by Bloomberg. Please note that Bloomberg classifies the funds you have invested in by such strategies. The definitions of each strategy is below-mentioned. Canopy has obtained the data from Bloomberg. As of till date, we are not showing the Fund strategy type on Canopy for each fund. 
  • Blue Bubble / Dot: Each dot represents each fund you have invested in. 
  • Orange Line: the line represents the average IRR performance of all your funds.

Market Detail Table 

  • This table shows the comparison of the average IRR fund performance by strategy of the market as well as the funds you have invested in.

Most popular funds 

  • Shows the most popular funds being invested by clients of Canopy.

Definitions of Strategies:

  • Aggregate: investing in a globally diversified portfolio of multi-currency debt issued by government and non-government issuers
  • Blend: a type of equity mutual fund that includes a mix of value and growth stocks
  • Conservative Allocation: proven systematic approach in low-risk investing and asset allocation
  • Corporate: funds required to achieve a competitive advantage, and the monetary results (profits) in businesses
  • Dynamic Allocation: portfolio management strategy that frequently adjusts the mix of asset classes to suit market conditions
  • Equity Hedge: either purchase stocks that they feel are undervalued or sell short stocks they deem to be overvalued
  • Global Allocation: rapidly switch between ​asset classes and geographic regions
  • Government: strategy traditionally invests in short-term, high-quality fixed income securities issued by the Government or its Agencies
  • Growth: aimed at winning larger market share, even at the expense of short-term earnings
  • Multi-Strategy: a variety of strategies to switch from one to the other to deliver consistent positive funds
  • Precious Metals: funds required to achieve a competitive advantage, and the monetary results (profits) in precious metals
  • Value: where portfolio is selected that trade for less than their intrinsic values

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